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A Measurement of Aggregate Trade Restrictions and their Economic Effects

Author/Editor: Julia Estefania-Flores, Davide Furceri, Swarnali A Hannan, Jonathan David Ostry, Andrew K Rose.

Release Date: January, 2022

Price: $5.00

We develop a new Measure of Aggregate Trade Restrictions (MATR) using data from the IMF's Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions. MATR is an empirical measure of how more...

Japan: Insurance Core Principles-Detailed Assessment of Observance

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

Japan: Oversight and Supervision of Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) - Technical Note

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

Japan: IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation - Detailed Assessment of Implementation

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

Japan: Financial Sector Stability Assessment Update

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

Bank of Japan's Quantitative and Credit Easing: Are They Now More Effective

Author/Editor: Pelin Berkmen.

Release Date: January, 2012

Price: $18.00

This paper asks whether the BoJ's recent experience with unconventional monetary easing has been effective in supporting economic activity and inflation. Using a structural VAR model, the paper finds more...

Assessing the Risks to the Japanese Government Bond (JGB) Market

Author/Editor: Waikei W. Lam, Kiichi Tokuoka.

Release Date: December, 2011

Price: $18.00

Despite the rise in public debt, Japanese Government Bond (JGB) yields have remained low and stable, supported by steady inflows from the household and corporate sectors, high domestic ownership of more...

Japan - Selected Issues

Release Date: July, 2011

Price: $18.00

Japan : Selected Issues

Release Date: August, 2007

Price: $18.00

This Selected Issues paper examines the factors behind the recent surge in capital flows in Japan. The paper presents econometric evidence on the influence of these capital flows on the medium-term more...

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