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Your search found 4 documents

Regional Economic Outlook, October 2021, Europe, Executive Summary

Release Date:October, 2021

Europe Regional Economic Outlook, The European Recovery: Policy Recalibration and Sectoral Reallocation, October 2021 more...

Price: $0.00
Liberalizing Capital Movements : Some Analytical Issues

Author/Editor: Giovanni Dell'Ariccia, Barry J. Eichengreen, A. J. Tweedie, Enrica Detragiache, Michael Mussa, Gian Milesi-Ferretti.

Release Date:August, 2000

This paper addresses the potential gains and risks of open capital markets by first looking at what classical economic theory suggests about the benefits of capital mobility and then examining the more...

Price: $0.00
Privatization in Transition Countries : Lessons from the First Decade

Author/Editor: Oleh Havrylyshyn, Donal McGettigan.

Release Date:August, 2000

A decade ago, with the breakup of the Soviet Union and the start of market-oriented reforms in many former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the prospect of privatizing inefficient more...

Price: $0.00
Privatization in Transition Countries : Lessons from the First Decade

Author/Editor: Oleh Havrylyshyn, Donal McGettigan.

Release Date:August, 2000

A decade ago, with the breakup of the Soviet Union and the start of market-oriented reforms in many former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the prospect of privatizing inefficient more...

Price: $0.00