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Your search found 9 documents

Unconventional Policy Instruments in the New Keynesian Model

Author/Editor: Zineddine Alla, Raphael A. Espinoza, Atish R. Ghosh.

Release Date:March, 2016

This paper analyzes the use of unconventional policy instruments in New Keynesian setups in which the ‘divine coincidence’ breaks down. The paper discusses the role of a second instrument more...

Price: $18.00
Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence

Author/Editor: Olivier J. Blanchard, Jonathan David Ostry, Atish R. Ghosh, Marcos Chamon.

Release Date:October, 2015

The workhorse open-economy macro model suggests that capital inflows are contractionary because they appreciate the currency and reduce net exports. Emerging market policy makers however believe that more...

Price: $18.00
When Should Public Debt Be Reduced?

Author/Editor: Jonathan David Ostry, Atish R Ghosh, Raphael A Espinoza.

Release Date:June, 2015

What considerations should guide public debt policy going forward? Should debt be reduced to achieve normative anchors (such as 60 percent of GDP), should it be increased further to finance a big more...

Price: $10.00
Obstacles to International Policy Coordination, and How to Overcome Them

Author/Editor: Jonathan David Ostry, Atish R Ghosh.

Release Date:December, 2013

In bilateral and multilateral surveillance, countries are often urged to consider alternative policies that would result in superior outcomes for the country itself and, perhaps serendipitously, for more...

Price: $10.00
Multilateral Aspects of Managing the Capital Account

Author/Editor: Jonathan David Ostry, Atish R Ghosh, Anton Korinek.

Release Date:September, 2012

Staff Discussion Notes showcase the latest policy-related analysis and research being developed by individual IMF staff and are published to elicit comment and to further debate. These papers are more...

Price: $10.00
Shifting Motives: Explaining the Buildup in Official Reserves in Emerging Markets since the 1980s

Author/Editor: Atish R. Ghosh, Jonathan David Ostry, Charalambos G. Tsangarides.

Release Date:January, 2012

Why have emerging market economies (EMEs) been stockpiling international reserves? We find that motives have varied over time”vulnerability to current account shocks was relatively important in the more...

Price: $18.00
Exchange Rate Regimes and the Stability of the International Monetary System

Author/Editor: Atish R. Ghosh, Jonathan David Ostry, Charalambos G. Tsangarides.

Release Date:March, 2011

The member countries of the International Monetary Fund collaborate to try to assure orderly exchange arrangements and promote a stable system of exchange rates, recognizing that the essential more...

Price: $33.00
Coping with the Crisis: Policy Options for Emerging Market Countries : Policy Options for Emerging Market Countries

Author/Editor: Christopher W. Crowe, Jonathan David Ostry, Jun Il Kim, Marcos Chamon, Atish R. Ghosh.

Release Date:April, 2009

Price: $10.00
IMF-Supported Programs in Capital Account Crises : Design and Experience

Author/Editor: Ales Bulir, Marianne Schulze-Gattas, Atish R Ghosh, Alex Mourmouras, A J Hamann, Timothy D Lane.

Release Date:February, 2002

This paper reviews the design of and experience with IMF-supported programs formulated in response to capital account crises in the 1990s, focusing on the experiences of eight countries: Turkey more...

Price: $20.00