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Toward New Horizons : Arab Economic Transformation amid Political Transition

Author/Editor: Harald Finger, Daniela Gressani.

Release Date: April, 2014

Price: $20.00

The changing political landscape in the Arab world has created opportunities for economic transformation by tackling long-standing economic issues. Nevertheless, three years after the onset of more...

Morocco : 2011 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco

Release Date: December, 2011

Price: $18.00

This consultation paper explains that several years of sound macroeconomic policies and political reforms have left Morocco well equipped to address the 2008 international crisis and to respond to more...

Morocco : 2009 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco

Release Date: March, 2010

Price: $18.00

Morocco’s strong starting position, reflecting macroeconomic and structural reforms introduced over the last decade, has given the country greater room to maneuver in its policy response. The more...

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