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United Kingdom: Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: July, 2012

Price: $18.00

United Kingdom: 2011 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Staff Statement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for the United Kingdom

Release Date: August, 2011

Price: $18.00

Abstract more...

United Kingdom: Selected Issues Paper

Release Date: August, 2011

Price: $18.00

Abstract more...

United Kingdom : Selected Issues

Release Date: March, 2007

Price: $18.00

This Selected Issues paper analyzes the impact of globalization on United Kingdom’s inflation and relative prices over the last decade. The IMF’s Global Economy Model (GEM) is used to more...

United Kingdom : 2006 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for United Kingdom

Release Date: March, 2007

Price: $18.00

This 2006 Article IV Consultation highlights that macroeconomic performance in the United Kingdom remains impressive. After softer growth in 2005, the acceleration in GDP in 2006 was broadly based. more...

Euro Area Policies : Selected Issues

Release Date: September, 2003

Price: $15.00

An important aim of this paper is to take shifts in the long-term anchor in the empirical specifications. The study examines exchange-rate pass-through and external adjustment in the euro area. The more...

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