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United States: Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

Innocent Bystanders? Monetary Policy and Inequality in the U.S.

Author/Editor: Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Lorenz Kueng, John Silvia.

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

We study the effects and historical contribution of monetary policy shocks to consumption and income inequality in the United States since 1980. Contractionary monetary policy actions systematically more...

Household Production, Services and Monetary Policy

Author/Editor: Constant Lonkeng Ngouana.

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

A distinctive feature of market-provided services is that some of them have close substitutes at home. Households may therefore switch between consuming home and market services in response to more...

The Cyclicality of Sales, Regular and Effective Prices: Business Cycle and Policy Implications

Author/Editor: Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Gee Hee Hong.

Release Date: August, 2012

Price: $18.00

We study the cyclical properties of sales, regular price changes and average prices paid by consumers (effective prices) in a dataset containing prices and quantities sold for numerous retailers more...

Monetary Policy Transmission in the GCC Countries

Author/Editor: Raphael A. Espinoza, Ananthakrishnan Prasad.

Release Date: May, 2012

Price: $18.00

The GCC countries maintain a policy of open capital accounts and a pegged (or nearly-pegged) exchange rate, thereby reducing their freedom to run an independent monetary policy. This paper shows, more...

Commodity Prices and Inflation Expectations in the United States

Author/Editor: Oya Celasun, Roxana Mihet, Lev Ratnovski.

Release Date: March, 2012

Price: $18.00

U.S. monetary policy can remain extraordinarily accommodative only if longer-term inflation expectations stay well-anchored, including in response to commodity price shocks. We find that oil price more...

Mexico: Review Under the Flexible Credit Line Arrangement - Staff Report; and Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion

Release Date: December, 2011

Price: $18.00

Canada: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: December, 2011

Price: $18.00

Mexico: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: August, 2011

Price: $18.00

United States: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: July, 2011

Price: $18.00

The United States: Spillover Report - 2011 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: July, 2011

Price: $18.00

Mexico: Arrangement Under the Flexible Credit Line and Cancellation of the Current Arrangement

Release Date: January, 2011

Price: $18.00

Monetary Policy and Bank Risk-Taking

Author/Editor: Giovanni Dell'Ariccia.

Release Date: July, 2010

Price: $10.00

This paper contributes to the current debate on what role financial stability considerations should play in monetary policy decision and how best to integrate macro-prudential and monetary policy more...

United States:2008 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Staff Supplement; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Release Date: July, 2008

Price: $20.00

This 2008 Article IV Consultation highlights that problems in the housing and financial markets over the past year have combined to slow the United States' economy substantially. As the residential more...

Canada : 2008 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; Staff Statement; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Release Date: February, 2008

Price: $18.00

Canada has enjoyed high growth while adjusting smoothly to commodity price gains, currency appreciation, and, more recently, slowing U.S. demand. Monetary policy has appropriately shifted to guarding more...

Canada : Selected Issues

Release Date: February, 2008

Price: $18.00

The spillovers from the U.S. economy to Canada have been assessed. It uses structural vector autoregressions to analyze the role of financial linkages in real and financial spillovers from the United more...

United States : 2007 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Staff Statement; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Release Date: August, 2007

Price: $18.00

This 2007 Article IV Consultation highlights that following an extended boom led by strong domestic demand, the slowdown in the United States has largely reflected a drag from residential investment more...

Mexico : Financial Sector Assessment Program Update: Technical Note: The Pension Annuity Market

Release Date: May, 2007

Price: $18.00

This paper presents a technical note on Mexico’s Financial Sector Assessment Program update. The Mexican experience displays interesting characteristics that provide lessons for other countries more...

Canada : Staff Report for the 2007 Article IV Consultation

Release Date: February, 2007

Price: $18.00

This 2007Article IV Consultation highlights that after surging in the first quarter of 2006, real GDP growth in Canada slowed subsequently, in part reflecting a cooling in the United States. Domestic more...

Mexico : 2006 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Release Date: October, 2006

Price: $18.00

Mexico’s two main economic policy challenges are to fully entrench stability and to remove remaining obstacles to economic growth, necessary to end poverty. The floating exchange rate policy more...

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