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Your search found 3 documents

Economic Integration in the Maghreb : An Untapped Source of Growth

Author/Editor: Alexei P Kireyev, Boaz Nandwa, Lorraine Ocampos, Babacar Sarr, Ramzy Al Amine, Allan G Auclair, Yufei Cai, Jean-Francois Dauphin.

Release Date:February, 2019

Individual countries of the Maghreb have achieved substantial progress on trade, but, as a region they remain the least integrated in the world. The share of intraregional trade is less than 5 more...

Price: $20.00
The Economic Impact of Conflicts and the Refugee Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa

Author/Editor: Bjoern Rother, Gaelle Pierre, Davide Lombardo, Risto Herrala, Priscilla Toffano, Erik Roos, Allan G Auclair, Karina Manasseh.

Release Date:September, 2016

In recent decades, the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) has experienced more frequent and severe conflicts than in any other region of the world, exacting a devastating human toll. The more...

Price: $10.00
Learning to Live with Cheaper Oil : Policy Adjustment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries

Author/Editor: Martin Sommer, Allan G Auclair, Armand Fouejieu, Inutu Lukonga, Saad N Quayyum, Amir Sadeghi, Gazi H Shbaikat, Andrew J Tiffin, Bruno Versailles.

Release Date:June, 2016

This paper discusses the challenges posed by low oil prices in the MENA and CCA regions, the adjustment policies adopted so far, and remaining adjustment needs and future risks. more...

Price: $20.00