Guinea-Bissau : Use of Fund Resources -Request for Emergency Post-Conflict Assistance: Staff Report; Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for Guinea-Bissau

1GNBEA2008001 Image
Price:  $18.00

Release Date: © February, 2008
ISBN : 978-1-45181-585-6
Stock #: 1GNBEA2008001
Stock Status: On back-order

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Guinea-Bissau remains fragile, after nearly a decade of conflict and political instability. Fiscal performance has improved markedly since the new government implemented its emergency fiscal plan. The focus of the government on stabilizing public finances and improving economic management and transparency reflects a sound view of urgent priorities. Efforts to enhance revenue collection, including improving tax administration, are necessary to boost revenues on a lasting basis and ensure that the state has the resources to meet its core expenditure needs and provide basic public services.


Balance of payments , Economic development , Economic policy , Emergency assistance , Fiscal policy , IMF governance and operations , Operations , Use of Fund Resources

More publications in this series: IMF Staff Country Reports